The concept of human relief

The difficult and tragic life that the hungry in Africa and the displaced from Iraq have to experience will never be the same again. The same applies to those Syrians who are facing destructive wars, as well as the poor in Egypt, whose need is evident. We also know the circumstances of Somalis and Iraqis hoping for a better life.

However, we do not know how people should live in those places, especially how they can continue to live in the midst of this difficult situation, which is riddled with deficiencies, mostly in pure water, food and clothing.

Human Relief works with its program to ensure that children, especially orphans, benefit the most. The same applies to displaced and poor families from the countries in which the organization is active.

Human Relief also uses its plan to pay attention to the target groups, which it regularly provides with aid packages, which in turn also serve the organization’s public relations work.

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